Times of the School Day
Please be on the playground from 8.45 each morning. The gate will open from 8:40am and pupils will be allowed to walk straight to class so there is no need to wait around. A member of the senior team will be on the main school gate and the class Learning Support Assistant will be n the door if you need to pass on any messages,. the class teacher will greet each child at the classroom door ready to start the day on a positive.
The gate is closed at 8.50 am and registers are taken by this point. Anyone arriving after this time should go through the school office.
Children line up in classes and teachers meet the children on the school playground
8:45 am Registration
8.55 am Registration closes anyone arriving after this time will be marked as late.
10:30 am Morning Break
12:00 pm Key Stage 2 Lunch
12:15 pm EYFS and Key Stage 1 Lunch
1:00 pm Afternoon Registration Key Stage 2
1:15 pm Afternoon Registration EYFS and Key Stage 1
2.50 pm Assembly or class Story time
3:10 pm School Gates open to parents.
3:15 pm End of the School Day