Welcome to the Albatrosses class page!
Welcome to the Albatrosses class page!
Welcome to Year 5/6, we are the Albatrosses and are pleased to welcome you to our class.
Welcome to Year 5/6, we are the Albatrosses and are pleased to welcome you to our class.
We are all ready to follow our school vision.
We are all ready to follow our school vision.
We are learning to:
Be learning leaders (Be Ready and Be Kind)
Be Articulate Adventurers (Be Curious)
Be Global Guardians (Be Safe and Responsible)
Our class webpage is usually updated each half term and is the place to check out the children’s learning and important dates.
You can help child your achieve their best by:
You can help child your achieve their best by:
Reading stories and discussing
Supporting your child with recognising the letter sounds, blending for reading and recognising the common exception words by sight.
Sharing your child’s library book with them.
Visiting the library in Ipswich
Supporting your child with shared reading sessions in class.
Learning Overviews
Learning Overviews
Y6 Term 1 KO WW2.pdf