Family Support
Our aim at Shotley Community Primary School is to work in partnership with you – we want all children to enjoy school and be successful and happy. We acknowledge that as parents and carers you will want the best for your children. We are here to listen and provide support, advice and information to families within our school community in relation to any concerns you may have regarding school or family life. If you would like an informal chat, please contact Mrs Southgate, our Family Liaison Officer, where she will be happy to help you.
Below is some information that you may find useful:
The Sleep Council ‘The GOOD-NIGHT’ Guide for Children
Parent Hub: A website that offers parenting advice and support to help your child’s development.
Nutritionist resource: Advice on nutrition for school children.
Barnardo’s – Support hub.
Common Assessment Framework (CAF):
Do you need some extra support for your family? CAF may be the way forward. Parents complete the CAF with a professional to request services work together to provide better support and communication for your child and family
Suffolk Children & Young People’s emotional well-being hub
Information, advice and support for anyone concerned about the emotional well-being and mental health of a child or person 0 – 25 years. Written guidance is available of how to support your child with a range of issues such as eating disorders, depression, anxiety, stress, self-harming.
Children’s Centre
Local Children’s Centres are able to provide support to families with children from 0-5 years old. Services are free and they are often open 9 – 5 pm. Our closest Centre is Cherry Blossom Children’s Centre, Hadleigh Road, East Bergholt, Colchester, CO7 6QT
Telephone number: 01206 299467
School Nursing Team
There’s a new number to text our school nurse. ChatHealth, the school nurse messaging service, is confidential and available Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.30pm. You can message for advice on all kinds of health issues, like toileting, emotional health and well being, bullying, healthy eating and any general health concerns. The text number for this service is 07507 333356.
You can still get in touch with the school nurse in the same way as you might have done before, if you prefer. To find out more about the School Nurse service and for local contact details please
Parents in Partnership (sendiass)
(Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service)
The Service aims to promote effective partnerships between parents/carers, Schools and the County Council.
They provide information and support for parents and carers to enable them to play an active and valuable role in their children’s education.
They offer:
a telephone helpline service
information and support for parents, carers, children and young people
written information about SEN available on web page/leaflets
information sessions for parents and carers
advice and support in relation to school admissions and appeals
training for professional staff and school governors
access to an Independent Supporter where appropriate
They help parents:
by listening to your views and concerns
by working with you to explore your options
prepare for meetings
find the confidence to express your views
with forms, letters and reports
to understand rights in relation to SEN and disability
work in partnership with schools and the local authority to develop positive relationships
Helpline number – 01473 265210
Available in office hours Monday-Friday. You can leave a message and we will get back to you.
You can also email –
Get the latest advice and news on Facebook –
Family Learning Courses
Please click on to the attached information on how to access free online Solihull courses for Suffolk residents.
These courses are for parents, parents-to-be and carers and professionals to use and cover
Understanding your child’ for parents of children aged 0 – 18 years old
Understanding pregnancy, birth and your baby
Understanding your baby
The teenage brain