Safeguarding and Child Protection at Shotley Community Primary School

Safeguarding at Shotley Community Primary School is considered everyone’s business, both Staff and Governors are committed to ensuring every child, who is a pupil at our school, is safe and protected from harm.

Our Safeguarding policy has been developed to also ensure that there is appropriate provision in place to ensure that our pupils are safe and adopt safe behaviour, and that staff, governors, volunteers, visitors and parents are aware of the expected behaviours and legal responsibilities in relation to the safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our pupils.

To achieve this we aim to:

Shotley Community Primary’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Kate Hodgetts.  She is supported by the Alternate Designated Safeguarding Lead  Louise Southgate (Family Liaison Officer).

Our Safeguarding Governor is Martin Jarvis.

To see the full safeguarding policy and related policies please visit our policies page.

County Lines:

County Lines is the organised crime that is being drafted in from London into Suffolk especially Ipswich, it is gang and drug related, recruiting young people in the Ipswich area to sell drugs and commit crime for the gangs.

If you are concerned about a minor being involved please use the contact details on the leaflet to report these concerns

Useful contacts and links:


Keeping safe online is very important to us at Shotley Community Primary School.

We aim to keep our pupils safe online and also when using mobile phones, games consoles and wireless technology. We feel it is important to educate our children on the benefits, risks and responsibility of using information technology.

All of our pupils and staff have signed our acceptable use of technology agreements and regular updates, reminders and training is given to both staff and pupils.

Our e-safety lead is R Newton

Useful links to promote and learn about e-safety include:

E-safety magazine from Alan Mackenzie

#DITTO is a free online safety magazine from e-safety adviser, Alan Mackenzie, aimed at schools, organisations and parents. The content looks at risks, issues, advice and guidance related to keeping children safe online, with a view to enjoying and learning about technology.

You can find the latest edition of #DITTO here:

E-Safety can be quite a tricky area for parents to support their children with. Why not click on the link below which has lots of great ideas for how to help keep your children safe on line.

Want to know more about staying safe on the internet. These cartoons are great for younger children to help them to understand about the potential dangers of technology

Jigsaw: for 8 -10 year olds

This is a video from CEOPs Thinkuknow education programme that helps children to understand what constitutes personal information. This video enables children to understand that they need to be just as protective of their personal information online, as they are in the real world.

Where is Klaus? klicksafe (English version)

Finally, this video is useful from a Parent perspective

This is an American site, but also useful for parents